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Talkloid (Comedy sketch)

     "Irunas-talkloids" is a dedicated channel for comedy sketches ("talkloids") using vocal synthesis characters as though they were speaking. All videos are scripted, illustrated, and edited by irunabara.

Song Covers

     All song covers hosted on "irunas-covers" are credited to all original parties. If someone else's vocal file was used (ie UST, VSQX, SVP etc), tuning is removed and redone from scratch.


     The Dreamtau Project is an UTAU/DeepVocal character series, almost entirely voiced by irunabara himself. Miscellaneous resources for voicebank creation such as reclists are also released under the Dreamtau name.

Original songs

     Unless otherwise stated, all original songs hosted on the channel "irunabara" are entirely produced (music/lyric/illust/video) by irunabara.

Project Chrysalis

     Project Chrysalis is a project aiming to use vocal synthesis to track the development of transmasculine voices on Testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

Miscellaneous audiovisual work

     As evident by the name, "irunas-misc-junk" is a channel that hosts any video content which wouldn't fit onto a different channel. Videos are primary technology tests or Japanese sketches in a visual novel style rather than talkloid format.


     Iruna creates general community resources in the form of translations, tutorials, and informative directories.


     Iruna is a lifelong illustrator who primarily works in digital media. Many full illustrations use custom designs which can be used by others in accordance with specific terms.

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